Professorn i miljömedicin vid Umeå universitet, Bertil Forsberg, ska forska mer om den ohälsa som följer på vedröken, speciellt dess långvariga effekter. (Det kommer väl att ta åratal?)
Naturvårdsverket har beviljat anslag och man bedriver undersökningen tillsammans med Svenska miljöinstitutet och SMHI.
Äntligen ett hälsoperspektiv! Fast finns det inte redan tusentals med rapporter om vedrök och ohälsa? Vad mer bevis behövs??
onsdag 14 november 2012
lördag 27 oktober 2012
Protestlista: Rädda liv!
En "insändare" har kommit oss tillhanda:
cancerframkallande utsläpp,
rädda liv
Vedrök och hälsoeffekter. Familjer för ren luft.
I USA informerar EPA (ungefär
som vårt Naturvårdsverket) om vedrök
och hälsoeffekter på sin hemsida. (klicka)
Där finns även en lång lista på referenser (rapporter).
Families for Clean Air (klicka) har också en referenslista. Det är bara till att läsa:
What is Particulate
Matter? The American Lung Association.
Air Quality:
Particles and Your Health. The Minnesota Department of Health.
Fine particulate
matter source apportionment following a large woodstove changeout program in
Libby, Montana. 2010. Ward T, Palmer CP, Noonan CW. Journal of the Air &
Waste Management Association.60: 688–93.
The impact of wood
smoke on ambient PM2.5 in northern Rocky Mountain valley communities. 2010. Ward T,
Lange T.Environmental Pollution .158:723–9.
organic speciation of wintertime aerosols in California’s Central Valley. 2010. Cahill TM. Environmental
Science Technologies 1:44:2315–21.
Intake fraction of
urban wood smoke. 2009. Ries FJ, Marshall JD, Brauer M. Environmental
Science and Technology. 43:4701–6.
Particulate air
pollution and health effects for cardiovascular and respiratory causes in
Temuco, Chile: a wood-smoke-polluted urban area. 2009. Sanhueza PA,
Torreblanca MA, Diaz-Robles LA, Schiappacasse LN, Silva MP, Astete TD. Journal
of the Air & Waste Management Association. 59:1481–8.
Results of a
residential indoor PM2.5 sampling program before and after a woodstove
changeout. 2008. Ward T, Palmer C, Bergauff M, Hooper K, Noonan C. Indoor Air
Journal. 18:408-15.
Wood smoke
contribution to winter aerosol in Fresno, CA. 2006. Gorin CA, Collett JL
Jr., Herckes P. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.
Residential wood
combustion technology review. Volume 1. Technical Report. 1998.
Houck JE, Tiegs, PE. EPA-600/R-98-174a.
performance of EPA-certified phase 2 woodstoves, Klamath Falls and Portland
Oregon: 1998-1999. 2000. National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Research (Triangle Park, NC)
for the EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards.
Wood Smoke and Your
Health. Brochure. Washington State Department of Ecology.
Health Effects of
Breathing Wood Smoke. Environmental Protection Agency.
Wood Smoke and
Health. 2008. Bardin J. Presented at: The Air Toxics Summit. Washington
State Department of Health.$FILE/Day1-Indoor-Air-Woodsmoke-Health.pdf
A case report of
cor pulmonale in a woman without exposure to tobacco smoke: an example of the
risks of indoor wood burning. 2008. Opotowsky AR, Vedanthan R, Mamlin JJ. The
Medscape Journal of Medicine. 10:22.
Woodsmoke health
effects: a review. 2007. Naeher LP, Brauer M, Lipsett M,
Zelikoff JT, Simpson CD, Koenig JQ, Smith KR. Inhalation Toxicology
exposure to wood-smoke particles in healthy humans: effects on markers of
inflammation, coagulation, and lipid peroxidation. 2006. Barregard L, Sällsten G,
Gustafson P, Andersson L, Johansson L, Basu S, Stigendal L. Inhalation
Adverse health
effects from ambient air pollution in relation to residential wood combustion
in modern society. 2003. Boman BC, Forsber AB, Järvholm BG. Scandinavian
Journal of Work, Environment, and Health 29:251–60.
The toxicology of
inhaled woodsmoke. 2002. Zelikoff JT, Chen LC, Cohen MD, Schlesinger
RB. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Critical. Part B,
Critical Reviews 5:269–282.
Malondialdehyde and
superoxide dismutase correlate with FEV(1) in patients with COPD associated
with wood smoke exposure and tobacco smoking. 2010. Montaño M, Cisneros1 J,
Ramírez-Venegas A, Pedraza-Chaverri J, Mercado D, Ramos C, Sansores RH. Epub
ahead of print (Jun 28).
Wood smoke exposure
and gene promoter methylation are associated with increased risk for COPD in
smokers. 2010. Sood A, Petersen H, Blanchette CM, Meek P, Picchi MA,
Belinsky SA, Tesfaigzi Y. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care
Medicine. Epub ahead of print (July 1).
COPD and chronic
bronchitis risk of indoor air pollution from solid fuel: a systematic review
and meta-analysis. 2010. Kurmi OP, Semple S, Simkhada P, Smith WC,
Ayres JG. Thorax. 65:221–228.
smoke-associated lung disease: a clinical, functional, radiological and
pathological description. 2008. Moran-Mendoza O, Perez-Padilla JR,
Salazar-Flores M, Vazquez-Alfaro F. The International Journal of
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 12:1092–8.
dysfunction: associations with exposure to ambient fine particles in diabetic
individuals. 2008. Schneider A, Neas L, Herbst MC, Case M, Williams RW, Cascio W,
Hinderliter A, Holguin F, Buse JB, Dungan K, Styner M, Peters A, Devlin RB. Environmental
Health Perspectives 116:1666–74.
Wood smoke exposure
and risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Orozco-Levi M, Garcia-Aymerich
J, Villar J, Ramírez-Sarmiento A, Antó JM, Gea J. Eur Respir J. 2006
Shedding new light
on wood smoke: a risk factor for respiratory health. 2006. Boman BC,
Forsberg B, SandströmT. European Respiratory Journal 27:446–447.
Lung cancer
pathogenesis associated with wood smoke exposure. Delgado J, Martinez LM,
Sánchez TT, Ramirez A, Iturria C, González-Avila G. Chest. 2005
Wood smoke
inhalation causes alveolar instability in a dose-dependent fashion. 2005. Steinberg
JM, Schiller HJ, Tsvaygenbaum B, Mahoney GK, DiRocco JD, Gatto LA, Nieman
GF.Respir Care. 2005 Aug;50(8):1062–70.
Exposure assessment
of particulate matter for susceptible populations in Seattle. 2003. Liu LJ, Box
M, Kalman D, Kaufman J, Koenig J, Larson T, Lumley T, Sheppard L, Wallace L.
2003. Environmental Health Perspectives. 111:909–18.
Lung cancer,
cardiopulmonary mortality, and long-term exposure to fine particulate air
pollution. 2002. Pope CA, Burnett RT, Thun MJ, Calle EE, Krewski D, Ito K,
Thurston GD. Journal of the American Medical Association 287:1132–1141.
Air pollution and
emergency room visits for asthma in Santa Clara County, California. 1997. Lipsett
M, Hurley S, Ostro B. Environmental Health Perspectives 105: 216–22.
Short-term effects
of controlling fossil-fuel soot, biofuel soot and gases, and methane on
climate, Arctic ice, and air pollution health. Jacobson, MZ. Journal of
Geophysical Research. 115:D14209.
Public health
benefits of strategies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions: health implications
of short-lived greenhouse pollutants. 2009. Smith KR, Jerrett M,
Anderson HR, Burnett RT, Stone V, Derwent R, Atkinson RW, Cohen A, Shonkoff SB,
Krewski D, Pope CA 3rd, Thun MJ, Thurston G. Lancet. 374: 2035–8.
smut: Is soot the culprit behind melting himalayan glaciers? 2009. Castelvecchi
D. Scientific American.
Effect of early
life exposure to air pollution on development of childhood asthma. 2010. Clark
NA, Demers PA, Karr CJ, Koehoorn M, Lencar C, Tamburic L, Brauer M. Environmental
Health Perspectives. 118:284–90.
Influence of
ambient air pollutant sources on clinical encounters for infant bronchiolitis. 2009. Karr CJ,
Demers PA, Koehoorn MW, Lencar CC, Tamburic L, Brauer M. American Journal of
Respiratory Critical Care Medicine. 15;180:995–1001.
The effects of fine
particle components on respiratory hospital admissions in children. 2009. Ostro B,
Roth L, Malig B, Marty M. Environmental Health Perspectives. 117:475–80.
Changes in lung
function and airway inflammation among asthmatic children residing in a
woodsmoke-impacted urban area. 2008. Allen RW, Mar T, Koenig J, Liu LJ,
Gould T, Simpson C, Larson T. Inhalation Toxicology. 20:423–56.
Fine particles, a
major threat to children. 2007. Heinrich J, Slama R. International Journal of
Hygiene and Environmental Health. 210:617-22.
environmental risk factors for asthma: findings from the Children’s Health
Study. 2004. Salam MT, Li YF, Langholz B, Gilliland FD. Environmental
Health Perspectives. 112:760–5.
Maternal exposure
to biomass smoke and reduced birth weight in zimbabwe. 2004. Mishra V,
Dai X, Smith KR, Mika L. Annals of Epidemiology. 14:740–7.
Ambient air
pollution: health hazards to children. 2004. American Academy of
Pediatrics Policy Statement. Kim JJ. Pediatrics. 114:1669–1707.
Asthma in
exercising children exposed to ozone: a cohort study. 2002.
McConnell R, Berhane K, Gilliland F, London SJ, Islam T, Gauderman WJ, Avol E,
Margolis HG, Peters JM. Lancet. 359:386–391.
The effects of
ambient air pollution on school absenteeism due to respiratory illnesses. 2001.
Gilliland FD, Berhane K, Rappaport EB, Thomas DC, Avol E, Gauderman WJ, London
SJ, Margolis HG, McConnell R, Islam KT, Peters JM. Epidemiology.
Decline of ambient
air pollution and respiratory symptoms in children. 2000. Heinrich J, Hoelscher
B, Wichmann HE. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Wood smoke:
emissions and noncancer respiratory effects. 1994. Larson TV, Koenig, JQ.
Annual Review of Public Health 15:133–56.
Wood-burning stoves
and lower respiratory tract infection in American Indian children. 1990. Morris K,
Morgenlander M, Coulehan JL, Gahagen S, Arena VC. American Journal of
Diseases of Children. 144:105–8.
concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air of rural
residential areas in southern Germany. 2010. Bari MA, Baumbach
G, Kuch B, Scheffknecht G. Air Quality and Atmospheric Health.
The impact of
domestic wood burning on personal, indoor and outdoor levels of 1,3- butadiene,
benzene, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. 2007. Gustafson P, Barregard
L, Strandberg B, and Sallsten G. Journal of Environmental Monitoring.
Critical review of
the health effects of woodsmoke. 2005. Naeher LP, Smith KR, Brauer M, Chowdhury
Z, Simpson C, Koenig J, Lipsett M, Zelikoff JT. Report for the Air Health
Effects Division, Health Canada, Ottawa. 1-75.
An estimation of
dioxin emissions in the United States. 1995. Thomas VM, Spiro
TG. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry. 50:1-37.
Wood smoke:
Emissions and noncancer respiratory effects. 1994. Larson TV, Koenig JQ. Annual
Review of Public Health. 15:133-156.
Dioxin levels in
wood combustion—a review. 2004. Lavric ED, Konnov AA, De Ruyck JD. Biomass and
Bioenergy. 26:115-145.
Fine particle and
gaseous emission rates from residential wood combustion. 2000. McDonald JD,
Zielinska B, Fujita EM, Sagebiel JC, Chow JC, Watson JG. Environmental Science
Technology. 34:2080-2091.
Dioxin emissions
from stationary combustion plants. 2005. Illerup JB, Henriksen TC, Nielsen OK,
Nielsen M. Report of the National Environmental Research Institute (Roskilde,
Dioxin emissions
from domestic sources in Denmark and dioxin formation in wood stoves and
boilers. 2008. Schleicher O. Report presented at the Expert Workshop on
Dioxin Emissions from Domestic
Sources Monday, 7th July 2008 in Brussels, Denmark.
Particulate matter
air pollution and cardiovascular disease: An update to the scientific statement
from the American Heart Association. 2010. Brook RD, Rajagopalan S,
Pope CA 3rd, Brook JR, Bhatnagar A, Diez-Roux AV, Holguin F, Hong Y, Luepker
RV, Mittleman MA, Peters A, Siscovick D, Smith SC Jr, Whitsel L, Kaufman JD;
American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, Council on
the Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease, and Council on Nutrition, Physical
Activity and Metabolism. Circulation. 121:2331-78. or
Cardiovascular Mortality
and Long-Term Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution. Epidemiological Evidence
of General Pathophysiological Pathways of Disease. 2004. Pope CA 3rd, Burnett RT,
Thurston GD, Thun MJ, Calle EE, Krewski D, Godleski JJ. Circulation.
Acute Respiratory
Effects of Particulate Air Pollution. 1994. Dockery DW, Pope CA.
Annual Review of Public Health. 15:107-32.
Air Pollution and
Cardiovascular Disease: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the
Expert Panel on Population and Prevention Science of the American Heart
Association. 2004. Brook RD, Franklin B, Cascio W, Hong Y, Howard G, Lipsett M,
Luepker R, Mittleman M, Samet J, Smith SC Jr, Tager I. Circulation.
Long-term exposure
to air pollution and incidence of cardiovascular events in women. 2007. Miller KA,
Siscovick DS, Sheppard L, Shepherd K, Sullivan JH, Anderson GL, Kaufman JD. New
England Journal of Medicine. 356:447-58. or
familjer för ren luft,
rök och luftföroreningar,
måndag 23 juli 2012
Wood smoke: Know the facts
Från hemsidan för (USA)
Wood smoke: Know the Facts
Wood Smoke…
Wood smoke: Know the Facts
Wood Smoke…
1. Violates the property
rights of others to use and enjoy their property smoke-free.
2. Contains many of the
same toxins that are in tobacco smoke. These include lead, mercury, arsenic,
benzene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), carbon monoxide and
dioxin(s), “some of the most insidious chemicals known to man.” (Harvard School
of Public Health). They also accumulate in the environment.
3. Is implicated in
asthma attacks, heart attacks and premature death in people of all ages,
including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
4. Violates the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) Guidelines by presenting a “barrier” to those with
disabilities such as asthma, preventing them from accessing public spaces.
Parks, bike paths, playgrounds, sidewalks, outdoor sports and public gatherings
are often inaccessible and unhealthy, due to wood smoke.
5. Stresses everyone’s
immune system. Children, the elderly, and those with asthma, lung or heart
issues, diabetes or other disabilities are among the most vulnerable.
6. Is a major source of
black carbon soot fine particulates, which are bundled with cancer-causing and
hormone-disrupting chemicals.
7. Is implicated in
reproductive birth defects and childhood diseases including asthma, pneumonia,
cancer, autism, Asperger's Syndrome, allergies and other disorders.
8. Interferes with the
seeding of rain and moisture in clouds, and also accelerates the melting of
glaciers ( and
9. Burning wood is an
increasingly serious fire hazard. Please don’t burn wood!
facts wood smoke,
fakta om vedrök,
söndag 24 juni 2012
Träpellets kan ge hälsorisker vid hantering
Det har framkommit att de som arbetar med träpellets är utsatta för hälsorisker: astma, allergi, luftrörsproblem - detta på grund av trädammet och hartssyra som yr omkring.
Vad händer med träpelletsen när de eldas upp och röken yr omkring i allas vår inandningsluft?
Vad händer med träpelletsen när de eldas upp och röken yr omkring i allas vår inandningsluft?
måndag 16 april 2012
En ny hemsida för att sprida information om luftföroreningar från vedrök:
Och så ytterligare ett antal vetenskapliga undersökningar om vad ved- och pelletseldare åsamkar:
Exposure to wood smoke particles produces inflammation in healthy volunteers
- Wood smoke exposure can cause inflammation in the lungs of fire-fighters
Och så ytterligare ett antal vetenskapliga undersökningar om vad ved- och pelletseldare åsamkar:
Wood smoke & Carboxyhaemoglobin
" . . . At 20 h after wood smoke exposure, blood tests demonstrated an increased.... cytokines and carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) were measured. ... "
Exposure to wood smoke particles produces inflammation in healthy volunteers
- Oxidative stress, DNA damage, and inflammation induced by ambient air and wood smoke particulate matter in human A549 and THP-1 cell lines
- Wood smoke exposure can cause inflammation in the lungs of fire-fighters
- (From Denmark) - " . . . Blood and urine samples were analysed before and after ... "
Health effects assessment of exposure to particles from wood smoke
pellets rök,
tisdag 10 januari 2012
Eldsvådor av kaminer och miljööverdomstolens dom
Enligt tidningen "Villaliv" nr 8/2011 orsakas de flesta eldsvådor av kaminer och öppna spisar.
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Miljööverdomstolen har nyligen dömt i ärende angående vedeldning i en kakelugn. Domen blev:
Eldning får inte ske när vindriktningen ligger mot grannfastigheten (klaganden)
_ _ _ _ _
Miljööverdomstolen har nyligen dömt i ärende angående vedeldning i en kakelugn. Domen blev:
All eldning förbjuden perioden 1 maj – 30 september .
Under tiden 1 oktober – 30 april får eldning ske vid ETT tillfälle per vecka
Eldning får inte pågå mer än fyra timmar
Endast torr och ren ved får användas
Eldning får inte ske vid inversionEldning får inte ske när vindriktningen ligger mot grannfastigheten (klaganden)
Eldning ÄR hälsofarligt och grannar får ej störas av vedeldande partens vedrök.
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